How can i embed a video on front page?
Hey there Hardeep and Marius,
Im having dificulties embeding youtube videos on my front page…
How can i sucessfully embed a video ?Im facing the same problem with lawyeria..
Thank you!
How did you try to embed the video?
By default there’s no place where you could copy-paste the code, I believe it would be best to edit the contents of a section and simply insert the code given by youtube somewhere in it or right after it.
Kind regards,
MariusHey marius,
I’ve tried to insert the code but nothing happens…
I tried iframe, i tried the url by itself…
How can i embed it?
We don’t usually offer this kind of support, but considering this is something that may interest others as well I’m going to give you an actual example.
Let’s say I wanted to add a video in the Big Title Section, right below the 2 buttons.
To do that, go to Appearance->Editor->big_title.phpand scroll down to the bottom of the page to the last 2 lines, it should look like this:
echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
Now add right between them the iframe code given by youtube, but this is php so we’ll do it within an echo. It should look like this:
echo '</div>'; echo '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
Now, there is a video on the homepage in the Big Title Section.
Thank you for your time and attention Marius
It worked.
I am glad you managed to do it ??
We are working on a HTML section so tasks like this can be done with ease from the customizer.Regards,
MariusThis is really helping guys – thanks for the posts here.
Do you have an example website where you’ve already added the embedded video?
Also, I’d like to add an embedded group of video thumbnails. Something users can scroll side to side, then select a video to play. The video would then open a new smaller window.
I’ve been searching for this for way too long now ??
I think I’ve come to the right place though!!
Ryleyside note – hilarious choice in video..
awesomeHello Ryley,
Unfortunately there is no demo set up because this is not one of the theme’s features. Regarding your request, it’s pretty complicated, I would look into a plugin that could do this.
I’ve taken a quick look and this seems close to what you need: believe that when the HTML section will be out, your request will be doable and probably much easier.
MariusThanks Marius,
I think I’m getting somewhere. I’ve purchased the Soliloquy plug in (developer license).
I’ve created the thumbnail scroller and it gave me this to insert:You can place this slider anywhere into your posts, pages, custom post types or widgets by using one the shortcode(s) below:
[soliloquy id=”58″]
[soliloquy slug=”rolling-videos”]You can also place this slider into your template files by using one the template tag(s) below:
if ( function_exists( ‘soliloquy’ ) ) { soliloquy( ’58’ ); }
if ( function_exists( ‘soliloquy’ ) ) { soliloquy( ‘rolling-videos’, ‘slug’ ); }I’ve tried adding:
echo ‘</div>’;echo ‘if ( function_exists( ‘soliloquy’ ) ) { soliloquy( ’58’ ); }’;
echo ‘<div class=”clear”></div>’;
Similar to what you’ve noted above. Something appears to be working, but the site doesn’t load properly.
Got it to work now. Looks really good:
echo ‘</div>’;if ( function_exists( ‘soliloquy’ ) ) { soliloquy( ‘rolling-videos’, ‘slug’ ); }
echo ‘<div class=”clear”></div>’;
Thanks for your help,
Hello Ryley,
Could you attach a link to your website? I have never used that plugin and I’m curious how it looks ??
Congrats on making it work!
Hi! I have a similar questions, I tried to solve it by myself, but my php knowledge is not good enough ;/
I managed to embed youtube video on big title section, but I want it to be within ‘about us’ section instead of the ‘text’.
I guess it should be somewhere here:
$zerif_aboutus_text = get_theme_mod(‘zerif_aboutus_text’,’You can add here a large piece of text. For that, please go in the Admin Area, Customizer, “About us section”
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc dapibus, eros at accumsan auctor, felis eros condimentum quam, non porttitor est urna vel neque.
Maecenas non tellus vitae augue tempor venenatis. Mauris ac tincidunt dolor, id feugiat odio. Mauris egestas ligula sit amet lorem condimentum ultrices’);
if( !empty($zerif_aboutus_text) ):
echo ‘<div class=”col-lg-4 col-md-4 column” data-scrollreveal=”enter bottom after 0s over 1s”>’;
echo ‘<p>’;
echo __($zerif_aboutus_text,’zerif-lite’);
echo ‘</p>’;
echo ‘</div>’;
Could you please help me? I’d be grateful!
Ok, I worked it out. Resolved.
Hi Marius,
Sorry to come back on the subject 2 month afterwards.
I have quite the same question (more simpler I guest), but i really can’t find any solution.
I would like that one of the two main front page button (red or green), opens a popup video.
I have installed the ‘wp video lightbox’ plugin, but I don’t know how to link the button with the action to open the video.I you had a solution, that would really be great.
Thank you,
Hi Marius and Rita,
I was able to embed a YT video in my About Us section, but it then breaks the mobile version. Can either of you help me with this? I pasted the embed code right before “Column 1 Skills”:
<center><iframe width=”1280″ height=”720″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
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