This comes up a great deal and there’s some people have misunderstandings that I’ll try to address. Possibly badly.
*Drinks coffee*
For GDPR purposes, these links are in place and apply to personally identifiable information (PII)
Read the whole thing. There is a link for “data erasure request” and I’m not linking to it because I really want anyone on this topic to read the whole Privacy Policy.
It’s good reading. Once you get there, submit your email and kick off that process.
- It will not change or delete your user ID. So “amunozlaw” will remain as an ID on this system.
- All of your posts, replies and reviews will not be removed or deleted.
- Your email will not be able to be reused here for a new account.
The last one is spam and abuse protection. To have an account here a user must submit an email and if they’re banned for spam or abuse (and that happens) then letting them reuse their email for a new forum account is counter productive.
Choose the data erasure option only if you mean it. Again, you will not be able to reuse that email for a new account here.
For anyone who insists that usernames are PII give this conversation a read.
While that topic does not explicitly cover it, the emails are retained for spam and abuse protection. The GDPR is not a shield to protect abusive behavior.
This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by
Jan Dembowski. Reason: Grammar