• How can I customize Tutor LMS Student and instructor registration Page? I would like to add social media Signon options along with email signup.

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  • Hello @shopvouge,

    You can use a 3rd party social media plugin to integrate with Tutor LMS registration forms.

    Should you need to override default template files you can follow instructions given in our documentation

    Thread Starter Anni


    Thank you for your response. I don’t want to manually change the template files, do you have any recommendations for any 3rd party plugin that works well with Tutor LMS registration form modifications?

    Hello @shopvouge,

    You can try this one or search for more popular ones from WP repository. You can choose based on the number of active installation and frequency of updates released.

    Thread Starter Anni


    Thank you once again. I have installed this plugin and don’t see any option where I can edit the Tutor LMS Sign-up page. COuld you please help me with the steps that I can use to add the Social Login button on the Tutor LMS Form?

    Can I use the Custom Login form created via Elementor, I want my custom form to popup when the user clicks on Enroll Now Button. I want to buy Tutor LMS Premium Plugin but just need to ensure that this kind of Customization is possible.

    I have compared EDUMA and Tutor LMS and finally decided to go with Tutor LMS. EDUMA comes with Social Login customization, which is user-friendly. I hope you can help me with this and in the future roll out this feature if possible.

    Thread Starter Anni


    Hello munayam,

    I have purchased the Tutor LMS Pro and tried to modify the Signup page with Super Socializer plugin recommended by you and also with WP Social by wpmet.

    Now the issue is, user is not redirected to the enrolled course page automatically after FB login. Also, Enroll Button status does not change even if user has successfully signed on and enrolled the course.

    You can check here.

    Thread Starter Anni


    Hello Munayam,

    I purchased Pro version hoping your team will help but unfortunately no luck. I tried checking with few people over the email but everyone shut me down saying we don’t support 3rd Plugins. Well, I am not asking to support 3rd party plugin but al least make your plugin compatible to work with Social logins. Ideally Tutor LMS should have Social login inbuilt at least in PRO version because it is convenient for users to login.

    I have tried multiple Social Login Plugin but issue is coming from Tutor LMS because it is not designed to work with Social Login. Let me explain the issue in detail.

    Tutor LMS is designed to Work with their own Login only. What do I mean by that? Well, When someone clicks on Login Button via Tutor LMS Native login form then it enroll the user and show Start Course button because internally Login button enroll the user and redirect it to the same course page where it show Start Course Button.

    Social Login plugins are working as expected but it won’t call Tutor LMS function to enroll user and show start course button.

    I have also redirected the user to Enrolled course page button user is not enrolled even though user clicked on Enroll Course –> Login via Social Login –> redirect to Enrolled Page.

    I really appreciate if you can help with this.
    Thank You…

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    “I purchased Pro version”

    @shopvouge You’re using a commercial/premium theme/plugin, so please use their official support channel. We feel they are best equipped to support their products.

    Commercial products are not supported in these forums.

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