Thanks for the positive feedback and for your question. I am not quite sure what you mean by “an MP3 playlist“. You may be referring to the WordPress [playlist]
Playlist Shortcode
This shortcode accepts an ids
parameter (along with others) and can be used with th [mla_gallery]
shortcode’s “Support for Other Gallery-generating Shortcodes”. See the Documentation tab for more details. For example, you can try something like:
[mla_gallery post_mime_type="audio/mpeg" post_parent=all mla_alt_shortcode=playlist]
The above example should produce a playlist of all the audio files in your Media Library. Of course, you can use any of the MLA data selection parameters to filter the gallery display.
You might also find something of use in these earlier topics:
Using wordpress embeds with MLA gallery?
Audio Player
I hope that gets you started on a solution that fits your needs. I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have problems or further questions regarding the above suggestions, or if I did not understand your question.
Note that I will be travelling from February 10 until March 1 and unable to respond to support requests during that time. Thanks for your patience and understanding.