• Hi, I am using elementor e and the archives makethis in page [glossary]
    how can I fix this?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter onocomp


    I disable = Glossary Index Page but now the numbers and leter show and term cant click to show all texts.
    How can I fix this?

    Thread Starter onocomp


    Hi @onocomp,

    Hope this message find you are doing well and have wonderful days with your family ??

    Thanks for the message, we are very happy to help you ??

    Sometimes we have problem to login to wordpress forum, would you please submit a ticket via our ticket system at tooltips.org/contact-us/ , we are very happy to help you config the glossary settings and solve issues for you , also we’d like give you a paid pro plugin license as a THANKs for your great feedback ??

    About issue of glossary index page, sorry for the miss-understanding, when you install wordpress tooltip plugin, wordpress tooltip plugin will create a page “glossary” automatically, as glossary index page — we will list all tooltip terms / glossary terms in this page automatically, to help users improve SEO rank — this page “glossary” is a tooltip category archive page based on user’s feature request.

    If you want to create a wordpress glossary which have navigation bar, letters, glossary table with title and content…etc with full function of a glossary, you can insert the shortcode [glossary] in any wordpress post.

    It seems you inserted the glossary shortcode in the the page “glossary” that we created automatically , in this case, you can use another page as a Glossary Index page by this way:

    1: login wordpress as admin

    2: in wordpress dashboard, click tooltips menu item

    3: the click “glossary settings” sub menu item, you will open the glossary settings panel

    4: in glossary settings panel, locate to the option “Glossary Index Page”, and select another page as Glossary Index Page, this will solve the problem

    If I miss-understand you again, sorry for it, please just tell me more details, I am happy to help you solve the issue ??

    Also we will try to write detailed step by step document with screenshots for tooltip users, and add document links for each option, so users will find how to use these option easier ??

    About another issue, would you please contact us via : tooltips.org/contact-us/, we will try our best to solve the issue for you asap we can, and we’d like give you another paid plugin license as a sorry, that means once we got your ticket, we will give you two paid plugin license as a Thank and a Sorry ??

    Thanks, have a blessed weekend with your family ??

    Best Regards,


    Thread Starter onocomp



    I make another vídeo:


    It’s a bit confusing to configure the correct index page because when I create it with the code and put it in the settings, the blog type files appear. However, if I put another page with nothing to see, then it works. And making a wrong page that works right is that it?

    Thread Starter onocomp


    Hi @onocomp,

    Hope this message find you are enjoying wonderful weekend with your family ??

    Thanks for the message, we have replied you via email. Our developer checked your great messages and wrote a detailed document for you asap(it is our 04:28am and our developer lost sleep to finish asap for you ), include what is glossary index page, what is glossary page, How did we design the wordpress glossary index page, How do we plan to improve the wordpress glossary index page –based on your great feedback, would you please do a check at:


    We know some users confused by this design — because the words “Glossary Index Page” , in their language and understanding, a “Glossary Index Page” is supposed to have all the functionality of a glossary — that is, the functionality of a glossary created with the glossary’s shortcode.

    Sorry for the confusion, we will change the function like this way:

    When a new user installs and activates the wordpress tooltip plugin for the first time, we will automatically create two pages, the first is “glossary” — we will automatically add the glossary shortcode to this page, so that this automatically created “glossary” page will have full glossary. We will put a link to the default glossary page at the top of the glossary settings panel, so that users can use glossary without any setup work.

    Second, we will automatically create a second page called “glossary list” or “glossary index”, and automatically set this page to be the glossary archive page.

    And we will link the glossary index page option to our detailed tutorials and DEMOs, so that when users are confused, they can click on the links to view our tutorials and DEMOs directly, and immediately understand the use of the glossary index page and the difference between the default glossary page.

    Do you think this will solve the problem? If you have any other comments, feel free to guide us, we will try our best to provide an easy to use product for our users!

    Sir, we are happy to return 2 pro plugins to you as a Thanks and a Sorry, would you please just make a fake order at our $0 demo tooltips.org/product/show-tooltips-in-woocommerce-products/ , we will add pro plugin license in this $0 fake order for you ??

    Thanks, have a blessed weekend with your family ??

    Best Regards,


    Hi @onocomp,

    Hope this message find you are enjoying wonderful days with your family ??

    Sir, thanks for the mail ticket, we are happy for the great report and thank you very much for your great replies ??

    We have replied you via mails a few times that we have added our pro plugin license of wordpress faq pro(tooltips.org/product/wordpress-faq-pro-plugin-with-wordpress-tooltips/) and life quote in your account, but in recent days we always got mail delivery system error, we have tried 3 times but the mail server always said failed ??

    Sir, would you please just login your account in tooltips.org and check these plugins for you? ??

    Thanks, have a blessed day with your family ??


    Thread Starter onocomp


    I just received this:

    but two licenses about this, I don′t received?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @onocomp Please do not post any email address on this site again. I have archive your earlier reply.

    Hi @onocomp,

    Hope this message find you are doing well and having wonderful days ??

    Thanks for the reply, we have checked in back-end and we found you have download plugins a few days before, that’s great ! ??

    Sir, based on rules of wordpress official forums, we can not offer pro version support in here, would you please just contact us or reply our last emails ticket and we are very happy to help you ??

    Thanks, have a great weekend with your family ??

    Best Regards,



    Continuando con este hilo. quería preguntar cómo se pueden editar las definiciones del glosario con Elementor. Ya que no encuentro la manera de hacerlo.

    ?Gracias de antemano!

    Thread Starter onocomp


    você precisa fazer uma pagina distinta para cada item.

    veja no blog do suporte do plugin deles ensinando

    Hi @onocomp,

    Hope this message find you are doing well and having wonderful days with your loved one ??

    Sir, based on rules of wordpress official forums, we can not offer pro version support in here, would you please just contact us via tooltips.org/contact-us/ or reply our last emails ticket and we are very happy to help you ??

    Thanks, have a great weekend with your family ??

    Best Regards,


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