• Resolved nicole2292


    I know this seems like a really basic and stupid question but how can I actually clear the Hummingbird cache so the wordpress stylesheet, style.css, is actually reloaded after being modified?

    Here are the steps I am taking and I cannot force Hummingbird to load the new styles no matter what I do:

    1. I have made my edits to style.css and FTP’d that up to the server.
    2. I changed the version number in the functions call to enqueue to stylesheet. This alone really should be enough to force the cache to reload. It does not.
    3. So I go into Hummingbird in the wordpress admin and I hit the “clear cache” button about 10 times. I also try the clear cache button in the admin bar.
    4. I do a hard refresh of the website in the browser and still the new styles are not shown.
    5. I view the source code and look for the hummingbird version of the stylesheet. I search this file for some of the new classes that I added but the new code isn’t there. This is clearly still the old cached hummingbird version of my style.css file despite the fact that I have theoretically “cleared the cache” many times.

    So can someone please tell me how to actually clear the hummingbird cache or force it to load the new version (version parameter updated) of style.css without deactivating the plugin?

    The only way I have found so far to achieve this is to either deactivate or delete the Hummingbird plugin completely which I don’t think is the actual goal of this plugin.

    We are using Hummingbird Pro however I am not the developer who purchased the licence and set it up on the site so I don’t have access to the WPMU account for premium support.

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  • Plugin Support Nithin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @nicole2292 ,

    We are using Hummingbird Pro however I am not the developer who purchased the licence and set it up on the site so I don’t have access to the WPMU account for premium support.

    What’s the version you are using? If you are using a Pro version and your website isn’t connected to WPMU DEV then would highly recommend switching to the free version of Hummingbird so that the plugin is updated. We cannot vouch if the Pro version of the plugin doesn’t have any issue or not if it isn’t connected to WPMU DEV HUb.

    If the website is already connected to our WPMU DEV Hub then would highly recommend bringing this into your developer’s attention so that they could raise a ticket with us for the Pro version as this forum is primarily dedicated for the free version of the plugin.

    In general, the steps to clear cache is pretty straight forward, in the plugin side under Hummingbird > Caching > Page Caching you should see the “Clear Cache” button and that should clear the cache.

    If the issue still exists even after clicking “Clear Cache” button then that would mean either there is cache enabled by your Hosting provider or it could be a conflict.

    Did you check with your hosting provider regarding this? If your host can confirm there aren’t any issues then most likely there is a conflict.

    You can run a conflict test as mentioned in the following flowchart to rule this out:

    I hope this helps in moving forward.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter nicole2292


    Hi Nithin,

    Thanks for your response.

    I am the developer so there is no one else to escalate this to who has more expertise in wordpress development than myself. Hummingbird Pro was installed by the SEO company so it is their license not mine however they have no need to clear the cache for css updates as they don’t edit the theme.

    So it’s their licence but it’s my problem to fix.

    No this is not a server cache. I have many other websites with the same web host and this issue is exclusive to this website, which is the only one running Hummingbird Pro. Plus the problem goes away when I deactivate Hummingbird Pro so the issue is definitely a problem with the Plugin not working correctly. Basically the clear cache function is not working at all.

    I will perform a full troubleshoot to try to find a conflict and report back on the findings.


    Plugin Support Zafer – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @nicole2292 thank you for following up.

    I was wondering if you have checked with the SEO company and see if they can start a support chat with us? This is because with premium support there are more options to help you find any possible issue.

    IF they don’t provide any option then let us know how the conflict goes, if there is no server-side caching then cache should be cleared as soon as you click the “Clear Cache” button.



    Plugin Support Dmytro – WPMU DEV Support


    HI there @nicole2292

    We haven’t heard from you in nearly 2 weeks, so I’ll go ahead and mark this issue resolved.

    Please don’t hesitate to re-open it if you still need help with this.


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