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  • @richardsgallery,

    You have found the cause then ??

    You can’t have two co-existing define statements for the same constant (in this case WPLANG), so you need to erase the en_US one if you aren’t using it. Then you will hopefully see the result of the Subscribe2 translation file appear.

    So please confirm the syntax for commenting out the US line and which folder you want me to place languages.

    Also, when I upload the new wp-config file – is the update live immediately, or do I have to refresh something or logout/log back in?


    You can just erase the US line or to comment is out precede it with //.

    Once that’s done it should change immediately.

    Hi there,

    Well here we are, day 3 on how to edit an 8 word phrase and I am still seeing the default phrase rather than my translated option.

    To recap

    I got no errors when I saved the translation file so I assume it’s ok (filename –

    Having read some comments in wp-config, I uploaded the MO file into wp-content/languages.

    I commented out an existing line “//* define (‘WPLANG’, ‘en_US’); * //” and having tried “define (‘WPLANG’, ‘rd_RD’);” without success I also tried “define (‘WPLANG’, ‘subscribe2-rd_RD’);”.

    All to no avail.

    As it’s very topical, it seems to me we have two options; either I am fundamentally stupid and cannot carry out simple and straightforward tasks (which is quite possible) or option 2, it’s something else.


    I tested here on my sites and it only seems to work from the wp-content/plugins/subscribe2/ folder or wp-content/plugins/subscribe2/languages/.

    It doesn’t work if you put the file into wp-content/languages/ or /wp-includes/languages/.

    That prompted me to look at the core WordPress function and it would seem that this is programmed behaviour in the WordPress core function.

    My apologies for leading you down a blind alley in where to place the file.

    No apology necessary. I read some comments within the wp-config.php file that also said to put the MO file into wp-content.

    Anyway, I’ve moved the languages folder to the plugins/subscribe2 path and still the !@£$%^&*(!! won’t work.

    Can I confirm that the define command should have the file ‘rd_RD’ and not ‘subscribe2-rd_RD’ ?

    I Lie! I refreshed the browser & joy of joys it works!!

    I’m somewhat lost for words (which is a first), but now we’ve got there and I’ll be able to continue with real life, I can relate to what remains of my social circle the fun that can be had with running a blogging site.

    Thanks once again for your patience & support.


    LOL ??

    I just download your mo file from your site, edited my WPLANG setting and crashed my computer (it had been running for a month without a reboot and doing some hard work in that time).

    Once I rebooted and got everything back running again it worked and I was just on my way here to say how weird it was that it didn’t work for you!

    I’m glad it’s sorted in he end though ??

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