Hi there,
Well here we are, day 3 on how to edit an 8 word phrase and I am still seeing the default phrase rather than my translated option.
To recap
I got no errors when I saved the translation file so I assume it’s ok (filename – subscribe2-rd_RD.mo).
Having read some comments in wp-config, I uploaded the MO file into wp-content/languages.
I commented out an existing line “//* define (‘WPLANG’, ‘en_US’); * //” and having tried “define (‘WPLANG’, ‘rd_RD’);” without success I also tried “define (‘WPLANG’, ‘subscribe2-rd_RD’);”.
All to no avail.
As it’s very topical, it seems to me we have two options; either I am fundamentally stupid and cannot carry out simple and straightforward tasks (which is quite possible) or option 2, it’s something else.