Well, things begin moving forward, but not yet complete.
Think, I need your advice and help.
First of all I change Permalinks from Simple to Post Name
and things became more understandably. But..
Here is my site – https://1st-ec.ru
Also, I changed ‘slug’ from “news” to “info” by adding code to functions.php.
I have upper menu with item which is link to simple page, where
only [sp_news] record. And it has it’s own link (lower left corner on picture):
I have latest news block on front page, which is just shortcode also.
Link to the specific news is using /info/ slug. I understand it why, its ok.
And link to Category using /news-category/ slug. Its ok also.
When I enter page https://1st-ec.ru/ournews , where shortcode [sp_news] is,
I can see the next:
Its very good for me – especially dates.
When I enter any post I see the next situation:
Only article, no date. Link in the breadcrumbs is https://1st-ec.ru/info
and I understand, that its normal. Ok.
But when I go to https://1st-ec.ru/info I’ve got next:
No dates!! And!! I’ve got sign ‘Archives:…” at the header.
So, two questions:
1. How I can get the same looking of foo://bar/info and [sp_news] shortcode? Especially dates.
2. Why when I enter foo://bar/info my theme thinks it Archives?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Sorry for my english, not too many practice right now )))