I understand that you had unchecked the “Views Count” option for the gallery view. But, your screenshot belongs to our single video page and there is a separate settings page for that. So, kindly follow the steps below,
To hide the views count on the gallery view,
Kindly go to “Video Gallery => Settings => Display (tab) => Videos Layout (submenu)” from your “WordPress Admin Dashboard”, scroll down to the “Show / Hide (Thumbnails)” settings, uncheck the “Views Count” option, save the changes.
Also, go to the “Single Video Page” submenu from the same settings page, scroll down to the “Show / Hide” settings, uncheck the “Views Count” option and save the changes.
To hide the social media buttons,
Go to “Video Gallery => Settings => SEO (tab) => Social Sharing (submenu)” from your “WordPress Admin Dashboard”, uncheck all the options from the “Share Buttons” & “Open Graph Tags” settings, save the changes and check now.
Hope this solved your issue!`