Hey Tim,
you can download a zip file of the modification we are testing. Please check if the modification method suits you.
What method we proposed, and how will the plugin work?
We have added hooks, by with you can put your own HTML in the wishlist page template (before page, before table, after table and after page). Custom HTML you can add:
1. To wishlist archive pages:
add_action( 'flexible_wishlist/template_archive/before_page', function () {
echo '<p>template_archive - before_page</p>';
} );
add_action( 'flexible_wishlist/template_archive/before_table', function () {
echo '<p>template_archive - before_table</p>';
} );
add_action( 'flexible_wishlist/template_archive/after_table', function () {
echo '<p>template_archive - after_table</p>';
} );
add_action( 'flexible_wishlist/template_archive/after_page', function () {
echo '<p>template_archive - after_page</p>';
} );
2. To pages with single wishlist:
add_action( 'flexible_wishlist/template_single/before_page', function () {
echo '<p>template_single - before_page</p>';
} );
add_action( 'flexible_wishlist/template_single/before_table', function () {
echo '<p>template_single - before_table</p>';
} );
add_action( 'flexible_wishlist/template_single/after_table', function () {
echo '<p>template_single - after_table</p>';
} );
add_action( 'flexible_wishlist/template_single/after_page', function () {
echo '<p>template_single - after_page</p>';
} );