Thanks for the prompt response, I don’t think that is quite what I was asking (if it is, please give me some more details).
Basically, as I say above, I am using user submitted posts to create listings for people – I am trying to get it to create as similar a page to the ones which I have created for users we already have (but, if the website is to succeed, these will be too numerous for me to create each one by hand). This is relatively simple, and I have been able to build them (even with a little code, I was able to add carrousel for my images – though I am unsure as yet how to make my images from the user within the form go straight into the carrousel automatically, if you have any suggestions this would be helpful). Indeed, I would say that in general, your plugin is fantastic, for making something that would otherwise be rather complicated, and turning it into something relatively simple.
My question was slightly different. Basically, given that this website is aimed at wildernesses around the world, I am trying to keep it as light as possible on internet speeds, so on these hand created pages, I have included a form to email plugin, which can take all the pertinent details for the booking, and then when submitted, simply sends the page owner an email which includes all of this within it. In other words, a booking, is literally that, someone expressing interest in visiting the listed place and booking their future visit, I just need a way to collect the right information and then email it too the lister (I am merely a go-between, so the data needs to send). What I am looking for, is a way to do this within User submitted posts, without having to go into each one individually and add this form.
I hope that is clear? I am using user submitted posts to create pages, which will contain a listing, and I want to be able to include within the page a form to email – so that when they have built their page, and I have published it in the right place, readers can book by filling in a form to email.
If I have misunderstood your response do explain how it will do this. Otherwise, apologies for being so unclear last week.