Also, lemme clarify something.
I might go out of topic, but this is important for users.
Do not feed google with selectors for paywall or such things, this way you are telling you are not important to them much, but still they can see all content and use it on ways to get money.
If you want paywall, do a hard paywall, and let only God and you see it.
I also did this because of Google Ads and to be friendly with Google, but the more you’re friendly to them, they are worse to you.
If you are not good earning target for them, you are no one and they will find way to ditch you.
For example, they advertised this on my site
and guess what happened next…
Ya, right, their bot caught it as nudity, and banned my pages which were showing their nudity ads!
Rule is, if you pay them they will advertise anything, but if you don’t earn them by any way, they will ditch you.
Ditch them with hard paywall, before they ditch you, and lets see how they earn when we all lock our content.
This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by