• coachmha


    I’ve found several posts re adding a logo, but they all appear to contain now-outdated info.
    Can anyone give me current instructions, please?
    My site is https://YourSeaChangeLife.com
    And what I’d like to achieve is my logo replacing the blog title in the top left, of all site pages.
    Loads of thanks!

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  • mlotorocks


    With that theme there’s 2 ways:
    1.Upgrade to the Pro version, looks like they have an easy interface for adding your logo then.

    2. Upload your logo either through the media manager or by FTP.
    Go into your header.php file and ad it in the div blogtitle

    Make sure though if your fooling around with the files to make a backup first.

    Thread Starter coachmha


    Thanks so much for your response.

    I’ve located the section of code, from the header.php file that was in wp-content > themes > TheThemeI’mUsing. (I’m spelling that out as there are four header.php docs in my cP)

    1) I’m assuming when you say “ad it in the div blogtitle”, you mean add the image URL in the div blogtitle?

    2) I’m not sure where in the div to add it I’m afraid. So I’m pasting the code here in the hope you could let me know:
    <div id=”blogtitle”>“><?php echo bloginfo(‘name’); ?></div>
    <div id=”blogdescription”><?php echo bloginfo(‘description’); ?></div>

    Thanks once again for sharing your knowledge, I really appreciate it

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