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  • Anonymous User


    On Chrome I see it in the right place. However, if I shrink my display below 800 px it disappears completely due to the CSS for the other reference to popup.

    Your best bet might be to edit the code and CSS and change all references of the name “popup” to something else.

    Thread Starter amysdaddy


    When you say edit the code and the css, are you talking about the Spiffy Calender code and css?

    Anonymous User


    Yes. But you would need to remember to edit again if you ever update the plugin to a newer revision.

    Thread Starter amysdaddy


    Here is what I have done:

    Changed all references of “popup” to “popover” in spiffy-calendar.php and default.css

    Added “.calnk a:hover div { bottom: auto; left: auto; }” to the stylesheet on the Spiffy Calendar Options page.

    I am getting the popup on hover, but on the large calendar the popup is in the absolute top left corner of the page.

    In the “todays events” and “upcoming events” the popup is in the same place above the events, regardless of which event is hovered over.

    The popups do now show when the screen size is smaller.

    Anonymous User


    You’re not going to believe this, but “popover” is also a conflict and is already used by your theme for something else. You can look in your theme’s style.css to be sure. Something like “spiffy-popup” would probably be safe from conflicts with your theme and other plugins.

    Thread Starter amysdaddy


    Ok. Changed “popover” to “spiffypopup” (using “spiffy-popup” caused syntax errors).

    Popup box now shows under the event, but instead of being a popup, pushes all elements down.

    Anonymous User


    Looks fine to me on all browsers. I would suggest reducing the title size to .9em for “.calnk a:hover div div.event-title”. It defaults to 1.2em which is too large for your titles.

    Thread Starter amysdaddy


    I have looked at it on 2 different computers and it is doing the same on both: the popup is being placed in the event title space, not hovering over as it should.

    Can you see the difference between the hover over popup here:

    and here:

    Again, thank you for your help.

    Anonymous User


    They look the same to me, with the popup appearing just below the title.

    Thread Starter amysdaddy


    Well, this is really strange.

    I have looked at both sites on 3 different computers and with 3 different browsers. The calendar popup at this site:
    shows below the event, but hovers over the the elements

    The popup at this site:
    shows below the event, but displaces all the elements down.

    Anonymous User


    This is what I see when I hover over June 3:

    Thread Starter amysdaddy


    This is what I see:

    Anonymous User


    Bizarre. Does it happen if you are not logged in? Can you try another theme to see if the problem goes away?

    Thread Starter amysdaddy


    Tried with another theme- same appearance.

    I have opened the site now on 5 different computers at three different locations running 3 different Windows OS (XP, 7 & 8).

    What OS are you using? (Windows, Linux, Mac)

    I am going to deactivate and uninstall, re-install and change “popup” to “spiffypopup” in the spiffy-calendar.php and default.css files. Would there be any other Spiffy Calendar files that have “popup”?

    Thread Starter amysdaddy


    De-activated, deleted, re-installed and re-activated.

    Changed “popup” to “spiffypopup” in the following files:

    No change.

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