• Resolved zsoot


    Hi there,

    I want to calculate time intervall so I need a start point ex. 00:01:25 and an end point 00:01:30. I don’t find any option to do that. What do you think it is possible to calculate that kind of interval?


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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @zsoot

    You should use the TIMETODECIMAL and DECIMALTOTIME operations. You should transform both values to seconds, calculate the difference, and then transform the result to time format again:

    DECIMALTOTIME(ABS(TIMETODECIMAL("00:01:25","h:i:s","s") - TIMETODECIMAL("00:01:30","h:i:s","s")), "s", "h:i:s")

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter zsoot


    Thanks for your reply. But i want the user to be able to enter the time in that format:
    hh:mm:ss. It is possible? This would be a starting time of a video or mp3.

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @zsoot

    Yes, of course. In fact, if you check my previous entry the values were entered in the time format hh:ii:ss (i is used for minutes because the m represents months).

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter zsoot


    Thanks again! Sorry, I see. One last question: where do I add this custom opration you mentioned above?

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @zsoot

    The equations are entered through the “Set Operation” attribute in the settings of the calculated fields.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter zsoot


    Sorry but I can’t change the entering Date Time format to hh:ii:ss. How/where can I do that?

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @zsoot

    Please, send me the link to the page with the form and the equation you’re using.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter zsoot


    Now I’m using fieldnam3-fieldname2 equation.

    Thread Starter zsoot


    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @zsoot

    Please, I need to check your form in action to verify the fields’ values. Could you indicate the link to the form’s page, please?

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @zsoot

    Please, indicate the URL as part of a text, without https://...

    I need to check the fields fieldname2 and fieldname3 to identify the errors in your equation.

    Best regards.

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