Okay, If you want to add custom icon on hotspot,
Firstly, Go to the documentation link. Here it is https://rextheme.com/docs/wpvr-360-panorama-and-virtual-tour-creator-for-wordpress/wpvr-documentation/hotspot-settings/#custom-style You will find a section named “Hotspot custom class”.
Secondly, You will also see a field named “Hotspot custom class” in the Hotspot tab of your tour form.
As an example, Go to your theme’s style sheet file and style an icon, give it a class `.custom-icon {
height: 26px;
width: 26px;
background: url(“https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/fav.png”) no-repeat center center / auto;
border-radius: 12px;
Finally, Put “custom-icon” on custom hotspot class field of the hotspot tab. You will see the custom icon on the frontend.
The second issue about saving tour,
Set as default field is moved from General Tab to Scene tab. Just go to scene tab and any one scene and check “set as default” field to “yes”. That’s it. Tour needs a default scene which will appear first.