So sorry for the delayed reply. This long is unacceptable and it’s my fault I didn’t respond sooner. Been traveling the last few days and didn’t check the forum.
Yes, we are planning DJ/Host pages for Pro. We’re In the process of finalizing the episode page templates now and the host/DJ templates, as well.
Hoping to roll out PRO within the next few weeks.
What you could potentially for the free version do is:
1. Download a Custom post type plugin. Custom Post Types UI comes to mind. Build a DJ or Hosts post type (no coding required).
2. Download Advanced Custom Fields and build the fields you want for the data you want inserted on the page. I haven’t used it, but I checked and there’s a way to add a shortcake for a field to a page builder or the new WordPress block editor to add that field and make it visible to the page. Short codes only support text fields I think. So when you build out your fields you assign them to the Post Tyoe page you want them on so they always appear when you Add New.
Here’s a link to the addition fields tutorial:
3. You can then use the Redirection plugin to redirect the originating URL to the new URL created by the new custom post type plugin.
If you were familiar with child theming and using php tags, you could do this code wise too, but if not, the above mentioned process could be successful.