Hi @mshahamirian.
Sorry for the response delay, the email about this ended up in my spam folder. But now that I’m here…
Hosting Monitor does need to run shell_exec() to get the disk space. Without it the plugin would need to use PHP to scan every file itself — and that’s a problem because (a) it’s slow, and (b) file permissions could block it anyway.
When you get a message about a disabled function it usually means that either your host or server admin has disabled it during PHP install. Let’s figure out who should un-disable this:
* Did you setup the server yourself & have root access? If so, then try grepping to find where that’s disabled & change it: grep -iw “shell_exec” /{your path to the PHP.ini file}/php.ini (and if you need to find your php.ini, just load a php file with only <?php phpinfo; ?> and pull it up in a browser.
* Can you edit your php.ini file via a hosting dashboard (like cPanel or similar)? If so, then open php.ini & search for “shell_exec”. Then restart the php and/or Apache process and things should be fixed.
* Does your host control all the PHP settings? Send them a support request to see if they’ll relax this requirement. Very few hosts block this, but among those that do, it’s about 50/50 on whether they’ll un-block it when you ask.
…if your host compllains about security, it’s worth noting:
The shell_exec() in Hosting Monitor doesn’t take user input & run it. It’s a hard-coded command that doesn’t affect security. And, if a hacker did get enough access to your site to change that command, then they’re already able to do more damage than shell_exec could on its own.
You may be able to change this setting yourself if you’re a server admin or have a good hosting control panel. Otherwise contact your host & ask them to enable it.