Hey @rodicaelena !
Thank you for your answer!
It is not related to caching and i think the Troubleshoot mode of the health-check plugin doesn′t work with multisites. I downloaded the plugin, activated the Troubleshoot mode, but plugins were still active.
Anyway. I found what′s wrong but i don′t know how to fix it properly.
The theme tries to load the fonts from a wrong place. As example i use the font Kelly Slab.
The site where it works and which i used to clone the new one, loads the file from https://www.domain1.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/fonts/kelly-slab/-W_7XJX0Rz3cxUnJC5t6fkQLfg.woff2
The cloned site tries to load it from https://www.domain2.com/www/htdocs/v009923/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/fonts/kelly-slab/-W_7XJX0Rz3cxUnJC5t6fkQLfg.woff2 what is just wrong and not accessible.
I then checked what is happening, when i disable “Local fonts hosting” in the working site and then clone a new one. After cloning the new site i activated “Local fonts hosting” again, but it doesn′t work and also tries to load the font from an inaccessible place: https://www.domain3.com/www/htdocs/v009923/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/fonts/kelly-slab/-W_7XJX0Rz3cxUnJC5t6fkQLfg.woff2
Then i searched for “/www/htdocs/v009923/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/fonts/kelly-slab/-W_7XJX0Rz3cxUnJC5t6fkQLfg.woff2” in the database and it exists only one time in the table *_sitemeta, meta_id 1255 with the site id 1.
Because it only exists one time but i have 3 sites using the same setting, i do not want to change it without really knowing what i′m doing.
How can i change the path to the local fonts seperatly for every site of my multisite network or what is the right way to let all sites use the same local font files?
Thanks a lot!