When you are creating your FontAwesome field group you can choose wether or not to enqueue FontAwesome on the frontend of your site. If you leave it at no (the default option), it is up to you how you want to enqueue it. And you can use a local fontawesome at that point.
In the backend area this plugin makes heavy use of the FontAwesome API and kits if configured to do searching and a variety of other tasks. There isn’t any option implemented to search a local font in the backend.
If you choose to host a local font on your frontend, I would recommend that you configure a kit in the backend with the same version (instead of latest version) so that your backend icon choices always match up with your frontend ones.
I hope this helps.
Matt Keys
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
Matt Keys.
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
Matt Keys.