I like Gutenberg a lot. Not only is it simple to use it’s a lot faster than trying to use the native content editor in the flatsome theme I use for sites. The flatsome authors followed the release of Gutenberg and prepared the theme for the first Gutenberg release, so it works seamlessly in the theme. I still use the them for all page building but use Gutenberg to write content and enjoy it.
Yes, I had a learning curve where at times I said “What the $%^$# is going on with this stupid thing?” or “Dang, how the heck to I insert a _____ it the fricken post?”.
I went to youtube and searched for “gutenberg tutorial” and watched a few of them and then was able to say “Oh, that’s what’s going on.” and “Oh, that’s how I insert that.” and have never looked back. Gutenberg is the future of WordPress and I’m happy about that the way it’s been working so far.
Yes, I’ve been burned a couple of times by whole sections of a post vanishing while I’m editing it for unknown reasons. So until the bugs are worked out I now keep notepad opened on my desktop and when I’ve finished a section of a post and the preview looks good, I switch to [Document > Code View] and copy and paste the HTML into notepad for safe keeping… “just in case”. This has save me rework a couple of times, but not very often.