• This plugin is problematic. The developers update it several times a month and are unable to fix the bugs that always occur with each new update. Sometimes they make more than one update in the same day. Today, for example, my site went offline due to a “fatal error” after the Gutenberg update. I received numerous complaints from users of my site and had to revert the update. In fact, the recurring “errors” of this plugin even affect the layout options for the featured images in the posts. There are so many “errors” that I feel like deleting this crap. But unfortunately, I can’t because my site has over 20 thousand posts and if I change the editor now it will be a lot of work. I would like to understand why WordPress chose this plugin as a partner.
    Esse plugin é problemático. Os desenvolvedores atualizam várias vezes no mês e n?o conseguem arrumar os bugs que sempre ocorrem a cada nova atualiza??o. Tem vezes que fazem mais de uma atualiza??o em um mesmo dia. Hoje, por exemplo, meu site saiu do ar por “erro fatal” após a atualiza??o do Gutenberg. Recebi inúmeras reclama??es de usuários do meu site e tive que reverter a atualiza??o. Aliás, os “erros” recorrentes desse plugin prejudicam até as op??es de layout das imagens em destaque nas postagens. S?o tantos “erros” que dá vontade de deletar essa porcaria. Mas, infelizmente, n?o posso porque meu site tem mais de 20 mil publica??es e se eu mudar agora o editor vai dar muito trabalho. EU queria entender porque o WordPress escolheu esse plugin como parceiro.

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  • Moderator mizantium


    Hi @mundonipo !

    Could you share some more details, or a screenshot perhaps of the issues you’ve encountered ?

    I also want to point out that Gutenberg is used to refer to the Block Editor, however this plugin is an experimental one that updates with all features that are being worked on.

    The Block Editor will continue to work on your sites even if you delete this plugin, unless you have enabled experimental features and are using them. And in that case, you are using experimental features on your live sites, there is an advisement on the plugin page about using the plugin this way.

    Early Access

    Are you a tech-savvy early adopter who likes testing bleeding-edge and experimental features, and isn’t afraid to tinker with features that are still in active development? If so, this beta plugin gives you access to the latest Gutenberg features for block and full site editing, as well as a peek into what’s to come.

    I hope this helps, and look forward to hearing about the issues you wrote about.

    Thread Starter mundonipo


    O aviso que recebi foi de "erro fatal" após atualiza??o do plugin Gutenberg. O site estava fora do ar. Gra?as a Deus o WordPress me enviou um aviso por email com um link para entrar no "modo de restaura??o" especial. Mas a ajuda mesmo veio através do meu servidor, que conseguiu voltar para a vers?o anterior do plugin (Vers?o 19.3.0). Só vou atualizar após atualiza??o superior a problemática Vers?o 19.4.0

    Segue abaixo print do aviso do WordPress:



    O WordPress possui um recurso integrado que detecta quando um plugin ou tema causa um erro fatal em seu site e notifica você com este e-mail automatizado.

    Neste caso, o WordPress detectou um erro com o seu plugin: Gutenberg.

    Primeiro, visite o seu site (https://mundo-nipo.com/) e verifique se há algum problema visível. Em seguida, visite a página em que o erro foi encontrado (https://mundo-nipo.com/wp-admin/update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=google-site-kit%2Fgoogle-site-kit.php&_wpnonce=3173d7cb67) e verifique se há algum problema visível.

    Entre em contato com equipe de suporte onde você hospeda o seu site para obter ajuda para investigar esse problema.

    Se o seu site parece estar quebrado e você n?o pode acessar seu painel de controle como de costume, o WordPress agora tem um "modo de restaura??o" especial. Isso permite que você acesse seu painel com seguran?a e investigue mais.


    Para manter seu site seguro, esse link expirará em 1 dia. N?o se preocupe com isso, no entanto, um novo link será enviado por e-mail para você se o erro ocorrer novamente depois que o link expirar.

    Ao procurar ajuda com esse problema, podem solicitar que você forne?a algumas das seguintes informa??es:
    WordPress vers?o 6.6.2
    Tema atual: Verta (vers?o 1.0.8)
    Plugin atual: Gutenberg (vers?o 19.4.0)
    PHP vers?o 8.2.15



    WordPress has a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site and notifies you with this automated email.

    In this case, WordPress has detected an error with your plugin: Gutenberg.

    First, visit your site ( https://mundo-nipo.com/ ) and check if there are any visible problems. Then, visit the page where the error was found ( https://mundo-nipo.com/wp-adm in/update.php?action=upgrade- plugin&plugin=google-site-kit% 2Fgoogle-site-kit.php&_ wpnonce=3173d7cb67 ) and check if there are any visible problems.

    Contact the support team where you host your site for help investigating this issue.

    If your site appears to be broken and you cannot access your control panel as usual, WordPress now has a special "restore mode". This allows you to safely access your dashboard and investigate further.

    https://mundo-nipo.com/wp-logi n.php?action=enter_recovery_mode &rm_token=d5Fh9TqBaEYU52TD ITfCgM&rm_key=EhKDtfIfsWJPz6my kGJeYS

    To keep your site safe, this link will expire in 1 day. Don't worry about this though, a new link will be emailed to you if the error occurs again after the link expires.

    When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked to provide some of the following information:
    WordPress version 6.6.2 Current
    theme: Verta (version 1.0.8)
    Current plugin: Gutenberg (version 19.4.0)
    PHP version 8.2.15

    Moderator mizantium


    Hello @mundonipo

    Thank you for your follow-up! From the message you’ve shared, this was a conflict between the Gutenberg plugin and Google Site Kit. Since the block editor is already part of WordPress core (especially with your version 6.6.2), the Gutenberg plugin is not necessary unless you are specifically testing experimental features.

    To resolve this issue, I recommend:

    • Deactivating the Gutenberg plugin to avoid further conflicts.
    • Using the built-in block editor in WordPress core, which should provide a more stable experience.
    • The Gutenberg plugin is mainly for experimental use, so only keep it active if you’re specifically testing those new features.

    If you still encounter issues after deactivating the plugin, you could try deactivating other plugins (like Google Site Kit) temporarily to identify the conflict, or contact the support team of the plugin causing issues.

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