• Anonymous

    I’m using word press, and my horizontal scroll bar is apparent. My html is not the cause of this, it’s something to do with wordpress because i’ve tried everything, and when i change the template (index.php), and take out the posts, it’s fine, i don’t have the horizontal scroll bar, i don’t know how to fix this, i’ve searched everywhere and there’s nothing I can change or configure.. my site is desire.nu if you would like to take a look on what I mean… https://www.desire.nu
    please help, thanks.

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  • tcervo


    I get the horizontal scroll bars in IE6/PC, but not in Firebird 0.8/PC, or Mozilla 1.6/PC. So, it seems like the ol’ IE screws up the width issue.
    Not sure what to suggest, as I’m not too familiar with the intricacies of getting frames to work properly (I don’t use them…ever).

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Is that an iframe? I’ve seen a lot of reports on that and for some reason, adding scrolling=”yes” seems to get rid of it in IE.
    Not really a logical solution, but might work….

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    hey, thanks so much. I can’t believe something like that was the problem. Thanks again ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    The wierd thing is I am getting random scrollbars H & V in my posts on this site regardless of screen width. The dev guys tried to fob me off by suggesting this was somehow linked to last night’s (local) gui upgrade but I am not convinced.
    I am going to cite this as an USP (Unidentified Screen Phenomena). Any help with this mysteriousness much appreciated.



    I encountered similar effects in the past, caused by IE and Opera bugs which make them incorrectly apply padding to tables. The result was that the calendar cells accumulated padding and caused extra blank space beyond normal page space and thus a scrollbar.
    Putting overflow: hidden; in the #menu in css solves the problem, but it was weeks until I found this. ??

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Well yes. But I am on Firefox. And two: the IE bug to which you refer causes a
    text overrun. It does not insert a scrollbar. Furthermore I very much doubt whether there are any *tables* in this layout.

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