• Hi,
    what I want to achieve is while editing post, after clicking “Create connection” and choosing for example “Some page” I want to use javascript to populate fields on the post I’m editing (custom taxonomies) according to what is set to these taxonomies on the other side of the connection (in this example – on “Some page”).
    I could add some code to plugins javascript (box.js) itself but I know it’s not how it’s meant to be done.

    All help much appreciated.


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  • The easiest way to do this is create a javascript file that watchs the connection div and see if it has been modified.

    $(‘div[data-p2p_type=”[CONNECTION_NAME]”]’).bind(“DOMSubtreeModified”, function() {

    var link = $(‘div[data-p2p_type=”[CONNECTION_NAME]”]”] > table.p2p-connections >tbody > tr > td.p2p-col-title > a ).attr(‘href’);


    link will contain the permalink for the record from which you can get the post_id.

    You can then use the post id and get the record via admin-ajax.php
    (something like this https://designmodo.com/responsive-wordpress-plugin/) and then add some javascript to populate the required fields in your current page.

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