home.php overruling index.php beyond homepage
I’m working on my first, full, ground up designed theme for my blog. I’ve hacked many a canned theme to pieces for my needs, and thought it time to do something of my own finally. I ran into a problem today when test driving some things. Naturally I have an index.php, which is a very basic pull posts and show them. I wanted the main page to have a slightly different look though (1 full main post, and the next 4 as excerpts in a grid), so made it into home.php.
The thing is, clicking the “older posts” link at the bottom of the home page (rendering correctly with home.php) takes you to the next 5 oldest posts, but keeps them in home.php, rather than switching to index.php or archive.php. I’m not sure what’s up. Thoughts?
Here’s the code:
home.php: https://pastebin.com/f4aaf3fed
index.php: https://pastebin.com/f63183e1b
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