• I purchased multiple licenses, I use it on many websites. However, all of them stopped working now.

    Support should be given and the theme should be updated immediately…

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  • Every bit of research I’ve done indicates the company is defunct. I’ve not received a response to my service ticket that I filed weeks ago.

    @vickys59 provided a fix in a separate thread, which worked for our site. However we’re getting a notification saying that the “Enable jQuery Migrate Helper” plugin is just a temporary fix… that the depreciated JS will need to be updated in the theme files.

    Hoping the developer updates this soon!



    Buongiorno anche io ho problemi di Aggiornamento del template ATHENA PRO con i JUMBOTRON che non funzionano se aggiorno il template al 5.7 versione di WordPress, potete fare qualcosa?

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