• Hi,
    I need to edit the home post: how to delete the […] at the end of the home posts? How can i change the fonts and size of this items?
    Thanks you

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  • Thread Starter Isaiasmd


    Im talking about Oblique theme

    Thread Starter Isaiasmd



    HI @isaiasmd

    You can change font and its size by going to customize section of your theme.
    1. First go to your Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Fonts.
    2. In this Fonts section you can change font as well as size.

    You can remove […] at the home post by creating and customizing child them.
    1. To create child theme visit here
    2. Now in functions.php file in child theme add the following code:

    function childtheme_remove_filters(){
      remove_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'oblique_excerpt_more');
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'childtheme_remove_filters' );
    function oblique_excerpt_more_child( $more ) {
      $excerpt = get_theme_mod('exc_lenght', '35');
      if ($excerpt == '0') {
          return '';
      } else {
        return '[...]';
    add_filter('excerpt_more', 'oblique_excerpt_more_child');

    3.You can change return ‘[…]’; to return ‘ ‘; if you don’t want anything to display.
    4. Now activate child theme.
    Report if your issue is not solved.

    Best Regards!!!

    Thread Starter Isaiasmd


    It works!! Thank you WEN
    Best regards!

    Thread Starter Isaiasmd


    and do you know how to change the background color for an custom image for this main theme (oblique)?

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