HI @isaiasmd
You can change font and its size by going to customize section of your theme.
1. First go to your Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize -> Fonts.
2. In this Fonts section you can change font as well as size.
You can remove […] at the home post by creating and customizing child them.
1. To create child theme visit here
2. Now in functions.php file in child theme add the following code:
function childtheme_remove_filters(){
remove_filter( 'excerpt_more', 'oblique_excerpt_more');
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'childtheme_remove_filters' );
function oblique_excerpt_more_child( $more ) {
$excerpt = get_theme_mod('exc_lenght', '35');
if ($excerpt == '0') {
return '';
} else {
return '[...]';
add_filter('excerpt_more', 'oblique_excerpt_more_child');
3.You can change return ‘[…]’; to return ‘ ‘; if you don’t want anything to display.
4. Now activate child theme.
Report if your issue is not solved.
Best Regards!!!