Do the issue you’re experiencing reproduce even with the parent theme active (meaning activating only the parent theme and not the child).
There are several things changed in recent releases and, for what I can see in your website you have an outdated html structure, which doesn’t reflect the changes made to the parent theme.
– The slider’s items (slides) in your html are like:
<div class="item slide-1264">...</div>
While since 3.4.38
they should look like:
<div class="czr-item slide-1264">...</div>
This impacts on the CSS and JS as they WANT the item’s class to be czr-item.
– Social links
your social links are like:
<a class="social-icon icon-feed" href="feedurl" title="Subscribe to my rss feed"></a>
while since 3.5.0
they should look like:
<a rel="nofollow" class="social-icon icon-feed" title="Subscribe to my rss feed" aria-label="Subscribe to my rss feed" href="feedurl" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-rss"></i></a>
So in your html the icon is missing.
This can be either due to the fact that you copied parent theme files in your child-theme, and then they’re not up to date, or to some caching system you have in place which is serving an old html (but an up to date CSS and JS).
Hope this helps.