Home and Menu pages won’t connect
I have tried everything and getting more confused the more I read. My webpage is here
Can’t get my posts to show up under my menu headings.
Tried making home page a static page. Home page doesn’t show up under Front page nor Post pagePlease help a senior get started
Quit posting until I can fix this issue
The links in your menu are Pages, these won’t show your Posts unless you’re using a Custom Page Template to do so.
You can link to a Category archive in your menu by adding a menu item via the Categories selection instead of Pages.
Create Custom Menus in WordPress
Hope this helps.
I am sorry I did not understand what you said. Pretend you are teaching a child (course I think they know more than I )
You wish to display Posts when you click on a menu link correct?
Currently, your menu only contains Pages.
To display posts when someone clicks a menu link you need to link them to a Category archive, which contains the Posts that have been assigned to that particular category.
So via the Appearance > Menus admin menu, instead of dragging a Page into your menu, drag a Category instead, I’ve highlighted where these categories are located here.
Hope this helps.
These are my pages
Our Story
Contact Us
Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions
Real Life
Reel Life
TravelThese are my categories
About UsContact Us
Privacy Policy
Terms and ConditionsCrafts
Real Life
reel life
UncategorizedHow on earth do I get my posts on home page to show on my pages or menu across top of blog ??
If I am understanding you correctly you want a one of your post to be on the menu (navigation bar) correct? If that is the case go to your WordPress dashboard hover over appearance and then click on menus Then click on custom links on that page add the link in that custom links section, then finally add something to link lext (this is what will show on your navigation menu) and click on add to menu. Make sure you save the menu afterwards. I hope this helps
These are my categories
About Us
Contact Us
Privacy Policy
Terms and ConditionsThese are Pages, in your Dashboard click the Pages menu and you will see them listed.
Click on Posts > Categories and you will see your categories being listed.
Each of your Posts will be assigned to at least 1 category, so if you link to a category in your menu it will display the posts that have been assigned to it.
Via the Appearance > Menus admin menu, instead of dragging a Page into your menu, drag a Category instead, I’ve highlighted where these categories are located here.
What I am trying to do is when I make a new post I want it to show up under navigation bar menu.
I have a post about cucumber salad can I get it to show up under the Navigation bar Menu called Recipes??
I think the best solution in that case for you would be what themesumo just replied to you above.
What I am trying to do is when I make a new post I want it to show up under navigation bar menu.
I have a post about cucumber salad can I get it to show up under the Navigation bar Menu called Recipes??
Okay in that case, add a Category (Recipes) to your menu as I explained above, then do the same but from the Posts menu section instead, select the post you wish to add to your menu and drag it over – position it so that it is a sub-menu of the Recipes menu you have just added.
Don’t forget to save your menu too!
Ok Will try Thanks Have to do it later though Got appointments to keep
Tried Oh my Perhaps I am lost cause.
Sticking with Cucumber Salad.I’ve highlighted where these categories are located here.
Found them
Placed Cucumber Salad under Menu heading Recipes.
Clicked save and publish.
When I refresh home page and go Cucumber Salad, click read more button It goes to here Not to the recipe page??What am I missing? Rereading all of this again.
I am assuming that my pages and my categories shouold be named differently??
Been over and over everything
Via the Appearance > Menus admin menu, instead of dragging a Page into your menu, drag a Category instead, I’ve highlighted where these categories are located here.
On the edit Menu page
I now have
Menu Name REcipes
Menu StructureDrag each item into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of the item to reveal additional configuration options.
Salad Recipes Category
Salad Recipes. Menu item 1 of 2.
Cucumber Salad Category
Placed cucumber salad under Salad RecipesThen I go to post pages. Cucumber Salad, open it. Then I click on Cucumber Salad on the right side of page under Categories So I have Recipes, Salad Recipes, under that Cucumber Salad. Click on update. Go to Reel and Real Life and click refresh page Nothing changes. Not only did my salad recipe not show nothing changed. did add the new sub menu Salad Recipes either.
Bout ready to give up. Think I wasted my money
The structures of Menus looks good but when I upload, redresh and check Nothing works
Have this Under Real Life
Menu Name
Menu StructureDrag each item into the order you prefer. Click the arrow on the right of the item to reveal additional configuration options.
Snoring Category
Snoring. Menu item 1 of 5.
Web site Traffic Category
Web site Traffic. Menu item 2 of 5.
Cursive Handwriting Category
Cursive Handwriting. Menu item 3 of 5.
Miracle Spring Water Category
Miracle Spring Water. Menu item 4 of 5.
Moose on Moose Category
Moose on Moose. Menu item 5 of 5.Menu Settings
Auto add pages
Automatically add new top-level pages to this menuClick refresh page after saving but still won’t show under
Menu headings
Home – shows recent posts
Our Story
Real Life
Reel Life
TravelHome – shows recent posts
Our Story
Real Life
– Cucumber Salad
Reel Life
TravelAre you adding the Cucumber Salad to the Recipes menu as shown above, it should be a sub-menu item as it is within an existing menu item (recipes)?
From what you’ve posted you don’t have the sub-menu item in place so it’s never going to show in a menu.
Try searching for a video as that may clearly show you how to add menu items.
You should also ensure that you have selected a theme location for the menu you’re modifying, this is located below the menu under the Menu Settings heading.
If you have added the sub-menu item and are certain you have it correct, then try again with the default TwentySixteen theme as the active theme as there may be an issue with your theme.
Hope this helps.
Yes I have
Salad Recipes
Cucumber SaladI also have
Our Story
Contact Us
Privacy Policy
Terms and ConditionsMenu Settings
Auto add pages
Automatically add new top-level pages to this menuNot sure what else to do. Clicked save menu each time Refreshed Webpage and nothing showed up.
Guess I need to try a new theme. What a scary thought. It going to screw everything up right??
Will I lose everything I have written thus far??Wendy
PS I certainly appreciate your patience and your assistance
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