• Today I’ve been moving one of mine wordpress sites to HTTPS. This however gave me an issue with the HL-Twitter plugin, since the twitter profile image only was returned as a NON SSL link (https://pbs.twing.com..). And this causes the site to be not fully secure.

    I Fixed that with changing the hl_twitter_get_avatar function in functions.php

    function hl_twitter_get_avatar($url) {
    return $url;

    function hl_twitter_get_avatar($url) {
    $url=str_replace(‘https://’, ‘https://’, $url );
    return $url;

    This seems to have done the trick.
    Since I don’t have to time to debug the complete code i have no idea if this will have any other impact on the script.

    Do you have any official solution or will there be a change in the future?

    Regards André


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