I’m not entirely certain if you realize it but we work on other cases as well. Sometimes it takes us time to see you responded. If you need more personal immediate support maybe the free version isn’t for you.
If the login page is only showing up as white (The infamous WordPress white screen of death) then follow the steps in the article I just linked to and see what exactly is the culprit here. A few of the things you can try in the article:
Increasing the PHP Memory Limit
Disabling All Plugins (using FTP)
Replace Theme with a Default Theme
Enable Debug Mode to Catch Errors in WordPress
Clear WordPress Cache
The WordPress codex has this article but it’s not as targeted as the WP Beginner link above.
Checking your error logs that your hosting provider can give you (if you don’t have access in your hosting control panel already) right after you get the White Screen should be the best clue you can get. If you see anything there that references Wordfence, respond here and I’ll look at it for you.