• hello …first thank you so much for picking up on this plugin again! you definitely deserve success in every way for helping us fight this horrible war

    i just upgraded one of my sites to your latest version and noticed right away that the history log file which you used to let us set the file size to is no longer there correct? now it just says how many entries to remember – 25-50-100

    i used to go over the log file and use that to weed out anyone that posted spam to community sites ……they would get through the registration but i could spot them based on any spam they actually posted…anyway i relied on this log to lookup their user names

    can you please put the history log file back at least in a place i could download it and then clear it periodically?

    its so necessary for that type of spam and just seeing the login history in general since the last time i manually deleted / cleared the log file is extremely valuable

    please let me know what you think


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  • I was getting errors from some people that the history file was throwing errors because many sites can’t write to the plugin folders. I decided to take it out of the plugin.

    I am writing an “add-on” for stop spammers which writes out a log as CSV and lets you load it into a spreadsheet.

    I will finish this up and release it this week. It is mostly done and will be easy to finish.


    Thread Starter ds123


    that’s great news! that log file has been the number one biggest thing to be able to block people that misbehave on a site by what they post ….and unless i missed something your the only one that has it covered

    Thread Starter ds123


    also …after thinking about this for a minute ..the CSV format is perfect …what would be a huge improvement over the last log file would be the ability to have the IP address of the user in a separate column so you can sort by IPS …right now i open the log or paste it into a text editor and then do a search for a certain ip or user name …then i copy those results and paste them as another file to “drill down” …. what your plugin just helped me see was a russian guy who was using the same user name and had about 700 different ip addresses from different countries all on the same day hitting the site ….. where i got stuck was trying to organize those 700 ips so i could painfully and slowly add them one by one into cloudflare’s threat control ..i gave up around 20 …(on a sidenote he must have figured out a way to defeat cloudflares captcha system when you block a country)

    The Add-On is available on the BlogsEye.com beta page. I tested it and it doesn’t crash, but I need some more spam to make sure. You can download it and try it out.

    It installs like a plugin. Download the zip and then install from the zip on the website.

    The log file download appears in the Stop Spammer sub-menu.

    Warning – if it has generated a csv file on my site, you’ll download it in the zip. My download process zips the installed plugin on my site so you’ll get the csv along with the code. I sip my production code because that way, if my site is up, you are guaranteed that the code doesn’t crash your site.


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