• I’m new at finding plugins as I initially had a developer set up my WP site, but I handled all the content. So when my map plugin was discontinued, this forced me to look into plugins for the first time. I tried at least 4 other map plugins and definitely learned that some plugins are superior to others. After refining my search to ask for a plugin that includes driving directions, this plugin came up. This fit the bill for my simple needs.
    I was able to edit the map size, set my marker, move my marker to the correct spot on the map (for some reason, Google always places my showroom about two stores down from where I actually am), add a title and helpful text to the pop up address box. The plugin also provides driving directions when clicking on the marker and pre-fills the destination address. All editing is performed on the page or post in which you are adding your map. This is made possible because MapPress adds a tool on your editing page.
    After hours of searching for and trying out different map plugins, this one was my champion!!!

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