Thanks for the reply.
My main nav menu. I have a menu such as:
home | about | services | events (blog page) | donate | contact
Then as childs as such: (the childs are not drop downs off of the main menu, they are separate wp_nav_menu)
about: 5 pages (template pages)
services: 3 pages (template pages)
events: which is my blog (which when I click on an individual post, my highlight goes away as well)
donate: 4 pages (template pages)
contact: 1 page (template page)
Each of the parents have there own template page and I have created a sidebar for each one (example: sidebar-about for the about page, sidebar-services for the services page) where each of the nav menus exist (ex: about sidebar nav menu is in the sidebar-about, and so on).
I have it set up by using .current_page_item to highlight the page I am on when I click on a page. Which works for the main pages. But soon as I click on a child of that specific page (clicking in the sidebar nav menu), the highlight in the main menu goes away.
As stated above, I have lurked and searched for solutions, and have found the .current_page_ancestor solution from almost every post. But when I us it in my css like this:
#main_nav ul li.current_page_item a,
#main_nav ul li.current_page_ancestor a {
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 20px;
color: #ffffff;
background: url(images/homesprite.png) no-repeat -285px -376px;
It does not work.
I have it set up so index.php is my actual home page, and home.php page is my blog page (which I have called events page).
Sorry for not giving more info, extremely frustrated as I have missed a deadline for the site for a client and I still have no answer for it.
Really can’t upload a site with no links highlighted. Not very good ux