• Hi,

    I needed a category listing in my posts page and I want the current category to be highlighted. I enabled the ‘All’ category, so consequently, I want the ‘All’ also to be highlighted when I’m viewing the posts page. So I used the codex and got the following script running.

    My script is:

    <?php wp_list_categories(‘show_option_all=All&hide_empty=0&title_li=&current_category=All’); ?>

    Do I have to run an IF conditional on my archive.php file to get the category ID and highlight it? How do I do it if the category is ‘All’ since the ‘All’ doesn’t exactly have a category ID?


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  • current category will have a class of it own. just apply the style to it!

    Thread Starter gan35h


    The styling suddenly worked out of the blue! ??

    However, a problem still remains. I have given the following arguments in the wp_list_categories function.

    <?php wp_list_categories('show_option_all=All&hide_empty=0&title_li=&current_category=All'); ?>

    I want the ‘All’ option to be visible in any category listing. However, since by default, all posts load, the styling for current_category should also apply to ‘All’. However, since All does not have a category ID, I do not know how to apply the current-cat class to ‘All’.

    Any suggestions?

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