How to highlight and display message for products that can’t be shipped to XXXXXX zip code, or to change default message to something else plus display which product cause problem.
If costumer has 10 products in cart, and one of them has no shipping methods he has no idea which one is that, and how to tell him, highlight, show message which product it is so he can take it out of cart?
Hi @mllapan, thanks for reaching out! WooCommere has a built-in mechanism for notifying customers that no shipping is available. The exact look depends on your theme and what plugins you’re using.
It’s possible to change the default text you see there via a custom translation. And you could emphasize the notice further with CSS.
WooCommerce doesn’t have per-product shipping methods by default, so it sounds like you’re using additional plugins to determine which product can and can’t be shipped. In that case, I would suggest consluting the documenation of the solution you’re using, so see what features it has to assist.
Meanwhilel, our Conditional Shipping and Payments extension has the ability to prevent shipping methods being used for certain products. You’re able to add a custom messages when shipping is not available, and several rulels with different messages.
Your message can include the reason for why shipping isn’t available, but in broad strokes. Unfortunately it’s not possible to dynamically add the specific zipcode or product.
Here’s what it looks like with the checkout block (the message is shown when the customer tries to pay):
And here’s what it looks like with the checkout shortcode (the message is shown when the customer arrives on the checkout page, before submitting payment):
If you want to explore how the extension above works for yourself, click the View demo button on the Conditional Shipping and Payments product page. It will spawn an actual site on which you can explore its functionality to your heart’s content.
If the above doesn’t meet your needs, and your current solution also doesn’t offer those features, then it would be possible to have custom solution created for you. If you want to go that route, click here to connect with developers that can help with that.