• Hi,
    I have a site and repeatedly having 100% CPU usage. It is caused either when we try to add/edit a post, go to plugins page – mostly when I log in as admin and enter the wp-admin area. So I have been doing some basic investigation and find the following

    Too many hits on wp-cron.php every day I get close to 1000 hits on that file
    if i type <sitename>/wp-cron.php I have disabled direct access via htaccess
    Yet so many hits

    I also have this in the wp-config
    define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

    My host says that it may be that as wp-cron keeps running it may be a cause of 100% CPU usage. So any way to limit execution of file?

    The second file that has most hits/queries is


    That is over 700 hits daily. So can someone guide if we can limit usage of the same?

    If a user just browsing the site its fine – load speeds are under 2 seconds. But if they try to perform some function – like add to cart Woocommerce, proceed with order etc then it seems to slow down and CPU usage seems to increase.

    Currently I have 1GB RAM with 1 Core CPU and SSD hosting. So any suggestions?

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  • First you really need something driving cron on a regular basis if you’re going to disable psuedo-cron. Else you’ll get heavy loads when something does trigger cron programmatically.

    This is what I use but it hasn’t been updated recently if that bothers you…


    This little plugin lets you look at ‘late’ cron tasks just incase you need to speed up an external cron trigger. Careful, it’s not the same plugin as above.


    As to hitting 100% CPU usage. Maybe it’s time to throw some more horsepower at the problem. Faster server… more memory… more CPUs!

    You can gain a bit of horsepower by letting something like CloudFlare proxy that site where it can. If you’re hitting 100% though you’ll probably start seeing 500 errors from CloudFlare. 500 errors are absolutely no good either.

    You might try splitting off the database to another server in the same building if you can. That database can be quite the load itself. I have one multisite running at GoDaddy with its database on a ‘VPS’ over in the Cloud.

    Sometimes a cache plugin can help especially when coupled to a CDN like KeyCDN. But 100% CPU usage tells me you need more horsepower. It takes a bit of horsepower to drive a CDN.

    If you are running email and other services through your webhosting account then you’re giving a way CPU cycles to something other than your webserver. I don’t run DNS, cron, email, etc. through my webservers. You can usually find that stuff free or very cheap elsewhere. Your visitors deserve the best you can offer.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by JNashHawkins.
    Thread Starter cmsnext


    @jnashhawkins Thanks a lot for your detailed insights and observations on the issue. I did some investigation and yes my site uses WordPress wp mail and I observe that (as this has many events and people submit a form to register for event) at that time CPU usage seems to increase. So does it when users try to check out on Woocommerce. If none of the functions are being performed then site loads really fast so do you think if I were to remove wp mail and say use some external smtp like SES or 365 etc then the load on the server could reduce drastically? Thanks in advance.

    When you are hitting 100% CPU usage then I doubt shutting down email itself is the answer. That would probably cause other issues and headaches anyway. You need email to be running when the system needs to send an email itself here and there.

    What I outlined in my first answer is pretty much where my attention would go in that order. You’ll notice the email and other simpler tasks are near the bottom of the list.

    If my ‘events’ and my eCommerce ‘shop’ was triggering whatever is causing my problems I’d either throw more horsepower at the problem itself of parcel out the tasks that are causing my problems by placing my ‘shop’ and maybe my ‘events’ on a different server or coming back at the problem by placing my database over on a different server.

    Think about this…

    When somebody wants to make a purchase they surf around your site and push stuff to your cart. Each of those tasks requires several hits to the site which in turn require hits to the database and further hits to the webserver. Each of those requires CPU cycles. Pushing the database to another server pushes those CPU cycles off on the other server.

    If it was my or one of my client’s sites I’d move and probably split off the tasks and the databases. You are probably ‘leaking’ enough sales to pay for what you need several times over.

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