• Hello, i enabled the plugin a days ago and mi trying to implement it using custom post types and custom taxonomies.

    Unfortunately the plugin seems to override my permalink structure using its own one.

    • I have a custom post type named “Product”
    • I have a custom hierarchical taxonomy called “Products”. (something like wordpress categories)

    Lets say i have a product called “My Product 1” (slug: my-product-1)
    And the following categories.
    1.- Cool Products Category (slug: cool-products-category)
    1.1.- Cool products subcategory (slug: cool-products-subcategory)

    My previous structure was “product/%product_taxonomy%/%product%/”

    This would create the permalink:

    But after activating the plugin the permalink is:

    So no hierarchical permalinks, is there a way to enable this functionality or at least a workaround for this?.

    I’m also using “Custom Post Type Permalinks Plugin” to achieve the structure.



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