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  • Thread Starter ChristinaShoe


    Anyone have any ideas on this? It’s driving me crazy seeing those category page titles on there.

    Plugin Author Bill Erickson


    No, this only applies to post types (pages, posts, and any other custom post types you create).

    You should be able to edit the Archive Title when editing that category (at the bottom):

    If that’s blank, no title appears on the category archive page. If you are still seeing a title, my guess is your theme is automatically adding a title up there, probably based on my tutorial:

    You should edit your theme files to remove this addition, or add this to functions.php to remove the archive intro area altogether:

    remove_action( ‘genesis_before_loop’, ‘genesis_do_taxonomy_title_description’, 15 );

    Thread Starter ChristinaShoe


    THANK YOU! Yes it was apparently added by the theme. I was able to add to the functions.php to fix it. I really appreciate your help!

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