• Hello WordPress users,

    Hopefully my query will be a rather easy one to answer, either way. I just upgraded to WordPress 3.3, and I’ve noticed the plugin I’ve been using to hide the admin bar on the public side of the site doesn’t work any longer.

    This led me to wonder if there is now an option in the long-awaited WordPress 3.3 that allows the blog owner to disable the admin bar publicly? I couldn’t find any, and that seemed strange in that I thought this would be a blindingly obvious feature to add in an updated version of WP. Any information about this problem (work-arounds, plugins, etc.), would be greatly appreciated.

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  • This and many other options can be turned on/ off/ changed via this plugin:

    I written this code to hide admin bar from my theme

    <?php global $user_ID; if( $user_ID ) :  if( current_user_can('level_10') ) : show_admin_bar(true); else : {  show_admin_bar(false); } endif; endif;


    after it is showing blank strip above body to remove that i modified above code

    <?php global $user_ID; if( $user_ID ) :  if( current_user_can('level_10') ) : show_admin_bar(true);
    		 else : {  show_admin_bar(false); echo '<style type="text/css" >#wpadminbar{display:none; visibility: hidden;}</style>'; } endif; endif;

    but is also giving me same result

    tell me anybody how to remove that strip.

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