The custom window should work… what’s the problem with that?
Do you have errors in console while opening the window?
Anyway you can add the configuration option your own switching the editor to the “text” view and adding or changing the options you need by hand in the anchor tag related to the mp3 file (as follow):
< a id="mbmaplayer_1423685706546" class="mb_map {skin:'black', animate:true, width:'250', volume:0.2, autoplay:false, loop:false, showVolumeLevel:true, showTime:true, showRew:true, addGradientOverlay:false, downloadable:true, downloadablesecurity:false, id3: false}" href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/uos/rd/Toto-HoldTheLine.mp3">test audio</a >
In your case the options are “downloadable” and “downloadablesecurity”.