• Resolved Degas


    Hi, evaluating the free version before updating to Pro.

    Currently the menu item only shows when set to display ‘Always display cart, even if it’s empty’. This correctly displays whether there are items in the cart or not. Switching this off then hides an empty cart, but also adds the ’empty’ css selector that hides the menu item even when there are items in the cart (??).

    Wondering if you’ve seen this before, or whether we may have to root out a conflict somewhere? Both WP and Woo are latest versions. We’ve also added the filter below for wc-cart-fragments in functions.php to (hopefully) address the issue from Woo 7.8.

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_script_data', function( $script_data, $handle ) {
    if ( 'wc-cart-fragments' === $handle ) {
         if ( is_woocommerce() || is_cart() || is_checkout() ) {
             return $script_data;
        return null;
      return $script_data;
    }, 10, 2 );

    Also, can I check that the ‘How to only show article count number’ facility is still available in Pro as the link in the topic below is no longer valid

    Thanks, Jeremy

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  • Plugin Contributor alexmigf


    Hi @degas

    Sorry for the late reply!

    but also adds the ’empty’ css selector that hides the menu item even when there are items in the cart

    It shouldn’t, when the cart has items the empty-wpmenucart class is removed and vice-versa.

    Do you still facing the issue? Do you have a public URL to see it?

    Thread Starter Degas


    Hi @alexmigf,

    Strange one I hadn’t seen before. After checking plugins and functions.php, swapped to a default theme which had the plugin working perfectly. Swapped back to our (child of Storefront) theme and it’s working perfectly there too, so we can move forwards now.

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