• Resolved gal885


    Thank you for your great plugin!
    How can I hide the quantity? I want the button only. this is my shortcode:
    [enh_ajax_add_to_cart_button product=456 button_text=?????? title=none show_quantity=no]

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  • Plugin Author The Rite Sites


    Hi Gal,

    Looking at the documentation I can see why it is unclear. I will get that patched up!

    But currently, the option to hide the quantity is actually done by specifying a quantity on the shortcode. You can follow the below example using your shortcode:
    [enh_ajax_add_to_cart_button product=456 button_text=?????? title=none quantity=1 ]

    Instead, the “show_quantity” parameter is actually if you want the quantity input box to be shown while defining a default quantity, like so:
    [enh_ajax_add_to_cart_button product=456 button_text=?????? title=none quantity=2 show_quantity=yes ]

    I have added the following solution to our project backlog though:
    if “show_quantity=no” then default to “quantity=1” so as to let the user choose which parameter they would like to use.

    Thanks for reaching out and let us know if you have any other questions comments or concerns!


    The Rite Sites

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