• Hi! My site has hidden prices for non-logged in but the plugin ads price meta so the prices shows in google. Is there a filter/php snippet i can use to hide these:

    <meta name="twitter:data1" content="73.75 SEK">
    <meta property="product:price:amount" content="73.75">

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  • Plugin Support Daniyal Raza


    Hello @jerryskate,

    Thanks for contacting us. Hope you are doing well.

    At the moment, there is no filter/php snippet available for this to hide.

    Let me know if you have any further questions. We will help you out.

    Thanks & Regards,
    WP Experts Support Team

    Thread Starter jerryskate


    Thanks – guess I have to delete this then.

    Plugin Support Daniyal Raza


    Sorry to hear that.

    Let me know if you need any help in future. We will give you top notch support.

    Thanks alot.

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