Hide minumum value calculated field
Please take a look at this page:
https://www.fotoloek.nl/printen/– please click “Dibond 2mm”
– please click “Ophangstrips”Now you see 3 new fields called:
“Hoogte foto in cm” (fieldname 71)
“Breedte foto in cm” (fieldname 87)
“Prijs Ophangstrips” (fieldname 33)In the calculated field “Prijs Ophangstrips” there is a price displayed of € 10,20. That is because of this equation:
PREC(MAX(10.20,fieldname87*0.34+3.40),2), ‘Maximaal 50cm hoog’)So the minumum price is set at 10,20. Also there is 3,40 that is always added to the calculation.
What I want is that fieldname 33 is dispalying a text and not the minumum price number. Then when fieldname 87 is filled in with a number the calculated price should be displayed.
Is that possible?
Thank you,
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