I’ using the free version. I see the settings and the screen shot you provided, but I’m looking to basically have the category’s listing form load without someone having to choose it from the category drop down. I had to make an extra category, called “Post A Tournament”, and then deleted all of the rest of the categories (I was working off of the sample data stuff). See, I am making a site were people can post little league tournaments, afterwards people going to that sight can join the tournaments off the listings. It’s a little confusing for people since that category name doesn’t show up automatically, and neither does the form. I wouldn’t be using this plugin for anything other than having tournaments listed where people can respond to them, sort of like a classifieds site like Craigslist…so I’d like to have it so that people don’t initially see the title “Category” and a drop down menue, I’d actaually like them to initially see the “Post A Tournament” Category already selected with it’s form already loaded up for them to fill out…optimally I’d like to get rid of the word Category from that page, since there’s only going to be one category.