• I can’t seem to figure this out. Everytime I install this plugin, it creates new database tables, with the prefix wp_ …even though the tables had already had the prefix changed on a previous install…so now I have a database with 1/2 the tables with a changed prefix, and the other 1/2 with wp_ …and I try to use the plugin to change the prefixes…it only changes the ones with wp_ …and now I end up with double / duplicate tables. The whole thing is messed up.

    And it never fails…after about 6 mos of using this plugin, eventually something happens and the site locks up. It eventually messes up the .htaccess so bad it breaks the site. My site was crawling like a snail, over-using resources…I delete .htaccess, and delete your plugin folder, and it’s fine. It’s happened 3X now. But that’s another issue…right now I want to address this database thing…and I’m sure you guys know about it. why can’t I “specify” the prefix I want in the app? That would be the way to go…I think.


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  • Thread Starter donnaWPadmin


    I uninstalled again, deleted all the settings, and started over. It seemed to be working good…I fixed the database so all tables have the same prefix (deleted the ones that were the duplicates, that had old prefix, and the site was fine, so I thought I was good) …but then the site just stopped running again. As soon as I deactivate the plugin, all functionality returns. For some reason it won’t run on this site.


    Thread Starter donnaWPadmin


    I’m wondering if it’s something in the theme? Cause I have it running on all my other sites just fine. This theme is Outeredge. (child theme)

    for solve this problem

    in section hide login area

    don’t enable Redirect users to a custom location on your site, instead of throwing a 403 (forbidden) error

    Thread Starter donnaWPadmin


    is there a way to change this setting in the database BEFORE reactivating the plugin? Because as soon as I reactivate, everything locks up, and I can’t move…neither in the admin console, or on the site itself…everything freezes

    Hi Donna,

    Did you resolve the issue yet?
    I found a solution in better-wp-security/core/modules/hide-backend/class-itsec-hide-backend.php.
    In your database go to the [prefix]_options table and look for the option_name of itsec_hide_backend. This is a serialized string with options. Here you change the theme_compat to 0.

    For example itsec_hide_backend should look something like this.

    <br />
    a:7:{s:7:"enabled";b:1;s:4:"slug";s:6:"[your_custom_login_url]";s:17:"theme_compat_slug";s:9:"not_found";s:16:"post_logout_slug";s:0:"";s:12:"theme_compat";b:0;s:12:"show-tooltip";b:0;s:8:"register";s:15:"wp-register.php";}<br />

    You can copy paste this, just change [your_custom_login_url] to the url you want to use for logging in.

    Let me know if this helped.

    edit: to be clear, you should change this part:
    to this:
    The rest you can leave the same. Or just copy paste the complete code I posted and change the [your_custom_login_url].

    Thread Starter donnaWPadmin


    I will try it, and let you know…my site is still dragging right now. It got a little better after changing the setting you suggested above…before that, it was completely locking up…but it’s still very slow, and my host is throttling me/it because it’s still doing something it shouldn’t, and maxing out my resources for some reason. …I found another post on how to “reset” the database, to clear it all, and start from scratch, (which apparently uninstalling the plugin doesn’t do…) …but I’d really like to avoid that…so I’ve been waiting, and I’ll try this first.

    Thanks for still thinking of me, and not forgetting about me. ??

    Thread Starter donnaWPadmin


    It is already set to “theme_compat”;b:0;

    So now what? Maybe it’s related to something else in besides hide backend…I thought that was it, but maybe there’s more than thing in it messing it up? I know if I disable, it runs like a champ…so I’m sure this plugin is part of it…

    It works super in all my other sites, just not this one.. ?? (my own site, darn it!)

    Hey Donna, this sounds like it may be an other problem, and it is not related to the hide backend module.
    Do you mean if you disable the plugin it runs like a champ, or if you only disable the hide backend part of the plugin it runs like a champ?

    Could you test what the side does when you disable the hide backend module?

    Are you able to change the module to disabled? You can also do this in the database I think.
    To disable the hide backend feature from the database I think you can do it by editing the itsec_hide_backend option and change the part where it says

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