• Resolved allenjijun


    Hi there,

    I’m having issue with hidden fields not cleared. Reproduce steps:

    1. select option 1 in field 1, field 2 showed up, select option 1 in field 2
    2. select option 2 in field 1, field 2 hidden and field 3 showed up
    3. select option 1 in field 1, field 3 hidden and field 2 show up with option 1 selected, but when added to cart, option 1 in field 2 is not captured

    Could you help resolve this? Ideal result would be either

    1. selected option been cleared, and showing ‘Please chose an option’, or
    2. selected option stays the same with selection summary showing before ‘Add to Cart’ button, and after added to cart, selected option is captured..

    Kind Regards,

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  • Plugin Support Andrew Young


    Hi there,

    From your description, it seems like you are using the Premium version, not the one listed here on wp.org, since you have more than 1 condition set. Can you please reach out to us through the wp-admin, in the Plugins > Conditional Logic for Woo Product Add-ons > Contact Us (https://prnt.sc/B00Qyyvh14A-).

    We’d need to see your setup and theme to help.


    Thread Starter allenjijun


    hi @meowsupport ,

    I’m not using the Premium version, just the version here..

    To be more clear, my settings are:

    1. Show field 2 if option 1 selected in field 1
    2. Show field 3 if option 2 selected in field 1

    Only one condition for either field 2 or 3.


    Plugin Support Andrew Young


    To create such a setup, you need two conditions: one for field #2 and another for field #3. Unfortunately, this is impossible with the wp.org plugin version. Could you please provide screenshots of how you added the conditions to the fields, and also send us a link to your product? This will help us see how it performs on the frontend. Thanks!

    Thread Starter allenjijun


    @meowsupport ok, but for each field there’s only one condition, and I can see ‘add condition’ button greyed out.

    Do you mean for each Woocommerce product, there could only be one condition?

    Plugin Support Andrew Young


    Yes, the free version is limited to 1 condition per field, per product, or add-ons group. If you see this notice, you reached the limit – https://prnt.sc/WlfVQ-Y1UkHy. In your case, to set several conditions on the product level you should upgrade to the Premium version.

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