Some extra information to go on, this is the line where the error is occuring:
var fld_8054423_1 = parseFloat( $(‘[data-field=”fld_8054423_1″]’).is(‘:checkbox’) ? checked_total_fld_2628740_1($(‘[data-field=”fld_8054423_1″]:checked’)) : $(‘[data-field=”fld_8054423_1″]’).is(‘:radio’) ? $(‘[data-field=”fld_8054423_1″]:checked’).val() : $(‘[data-field=”fld_8054423_1″]’).val() ) || 0 , fld_6702947_1 = parseFloat( $(‘[data-field=”fld_6702947_1″]’).is(‘:checkbox’) ? checked_total_fld_2628740_1($(‘[data-field=”fld_6702947_1″]:checked’)) : $(‘[data-field=”fld_6702947_1″]’).is(‘:radio’) ? $(‘[data-field=”fld_6702947_1″]:checked’).val() : $(‘[data-field=”fld_6702947_1″]’).val() ) || 0 ,
total = (fld_8054423_1_1*fld_6702947_1_1);
Notice that the field is referred as fld_8054423_1 when it is referenced in the parseFloat function but when utilised in the total section at the end it is trying to find fld_8054423_1_1 which doesn’t exist.
This is a very simple form with one slider, a drop down select and a hidden field with a total that works on the two elements.
Cheers David.