Hi there,
Thanks for your question.
WordPress provides a drop-in file named object-cache.php in order to extend and modify its object cache functionality. It is a special file that place in the “wp-content” directory.
The purpose of this drop-in file is to make WordPress Object Cache can be reusable, it calls persistent object caching. Without object-cache.php each time we load the page, it needs to redo all the same operations.
Either you use Memcached and Redis WordPress plugins or Docket Cache, it requires object-cache.php files. It only can use one at a time. All code logic and functionality needs to place in there, that is why it can’t co-exists.
Docket Cache do persistent object caching same like Redis and Memcached. That is only different it stores WordPress Object Cache as PHP files and uses OPcache to makes it closed as in-memory cache like Redis and Memcached. Without OPcache, it still can operate.
This is an example what object it caches:
'timestamp' => 1606492052,
'site_id' => 1,
'group' => 'options',
'key' => 'cron',
'type' => 'string',
'timeout' => 1607701652,
'data' => [
1606534363 => [
'wp_version_check' => [
'40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a' => [
'schedule' => 'twicedaily',
'args' => [],
'interval' => 43200,
'version' => 2,
You can read more here:
1. Caching In WordPress
2. WP_Object_Cache
3. Docket Cache Docs